The PAH in London: Meeting of the European Housing Coalition for the Right to Housing


Meeting of the European Housing Coalition for the Right to Housing and the City

Anarchist book fair book launch

London October 16-20, 2014


In a boisterous week of events, the PAH participated in a number of encounters in London. MIPIM is the world’s largest property fair, usually held in Cannes, far away from people’s eyes. However in October 2014 they decided to hold a meeting in London. Many groups from London and across Europe, including the PAH, joined efforts to block the event as well as to organize a counter-conference to discuss housing access and the right to city. It was a fantastic time and an inspiring meeting. Here is the full recount of the Radical Housing Network who organized the event:

IMG_9022That week the PAH also participated in the launched of the English version of Ada Colau and Adrià Alemany’s book ‘Vidas Hipotecadas’, Mortgaged Lives, at the anarchist book fair in London. The event itself is a filled with thought-provoking conferences, authors, activists and presentations. It was a perfect place to introduce some of the work the PAH has been carrying out in Spain. You can find more details to the book fair here: and you can download a copy of the English version of Mortgaged Lives here:


Finally, the European Coalition for the Right to Housing and the City also got together in London after the anti-MIPIM to continue our work of solidarity and common strategies to build greater alliances and stronger forces across Europe. Though it’s hard to coordinate our diverse movements and struggles, due to distance, languages, nature of local problems, we are excited to see that despite our differences there are ways to collaborate and be in touch.




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  • Responsable: La PAH - Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca.
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  • Información Adicional: Puede consultar la información detallada en la Política de Privacidad.