On the morning of June 14, 2018, the press echoed a new life taken by a criminal system promoted by the banking system.
A 45-year-old man has died at the hands of the banking system and the criminal legislation of this country, in terms of housing. He was going to be evicted because he could not pay the rent of his house to Banco Popular. A house recently acquired by the Blackstone vulture fund. This outrageous event, has occurred on the same day that the PAH started a new international campaign against these scavengers.
The victim was facing his second eviction, but today, when a judicial delegation accompanied by agents of the Mossos d’Esquadra was going to evict the family from the house, located on the tenth floor of the block, he has decided to end his life due to his despair.
The family was a registered at the local Social Services and was waiting to receive aid from the Administration that never arrived, that broke their hope. And there are many hopes on the verge of bankruptcy, on the verge of a suicide that is really murder. The greediness of banks that have killed him deprives them of feelings. And now, everyone (social services, banks, justice …) will kick balls out.
From the PAH we demand urgent measures that rescue those hopes and end with so much injustice, with so much suffering with so much death.
In his memory and on the memory of all the people previously killed, to prevent it from happening again, from the PAH we call to concentrate tomorrow at 12 o’clock, in front of the doors of the Banco Popular and later in front of the PSOE headquarters, with some clear demands that we have been raising for years:
Indefinite moratorium on evictions of families in situations of social exclusion and vulnerability.
That the Government of Pedro Sánchez immediately withdraw all resources to the autonomic housing laws pending in the TC.
That the Housing Law of the PAH be processed and approved urgently, the only one that includes all the mechanisms to end once and for all the usury of the banks, the speculation of our most fundamental rights, and achieve that in this country we can say that we have a law that guarantees the right to housing for all without exception.
It’s not a motto, it’s a reality! There are lives at stake and the time has come to put a solution, to avoid further bias.

Antonio Moreno 15.06.2018 Barcelona Cataluña.Concentración en el ayuntamiento en la Plaza de la Iglesia de Cornellá de la PAH por el suicidio en un desahucio.Foto:Antonio Moreno
They will call it what they want but what happened in Cornellá has been a murder