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[en continua actualización]** Total Desahucios: 26 Parados y Suspendidos: 26 Total Anual: 753 Contador Total: 2.798 Jueves, 1 de diciembre Sabadell, Barcelona, 10.30h, Plaza Plátanos, Entidad: BANCO POPULAR ¡PARALIZADO! Santa Coloma de Gramenet,…
Este curso ha comenzado con desahucios y desalojos ejecutados en nuestras ciudades, más y más personas que como cada año, se quedan en la calle sin acceso a una vivienda digna. Frente a esta realidad creada y consentida por políticos…
Amsterdam, 30 May 2016. Activists from 10 countries severely affected by the imposition of EU austerity policies and urban regeneration projects carried out with European structural funds displayed a 15-meter banner on the Oosterdok jetty Which said "Housing for people,…
Belgrade, October 14, 2016 We participated in the VI Belgrade Security Forum "Will Democracy Survive the Global Disorder". In the event that lasted for 3 days, PAH's participation was reserved for the last plenary panel just before the closing of…
Who is the PAH? The PAH is a citizen’s movement focused on the right to housing. It was created in February 2009 in Barcelona. The main aim of the PAH is to denounce the dramatic situation faced by thousands of…
[ENG] In defense of a dire lack of policies to solve housing problems, the Spanish Government is only capable of reciting statisticas that do not reveal the harshness of day-to-day reality. In the video the PAH spokesperson, Carlos Macias, lambasts the Spanish Government´s lies only a short while after being badly…
[FR] París 17 de Septembre de 2016 Nous vivons dans une perspective de globalisation sur l'évolution de la communauté internationale. Dans une mondialisation capitaliste en phase de sortie du néolibéralisme parmi la financiarisation. Ainsi encadrée Gus Massiah les trois conférences…
In September 2016 PAH participated at the conferences “Habitat III: Co-producing Sustainable Cities?” (Organized by Heinrich Böll Stiftung) and at “Ways to Affordable Housing”(organized by “Network Renting & Housing” At the event “Habitat III: Co-producing Sustainable Cities” we participated at…
[en continua actualización]** Total Desahucios: 94 Parados y Suspendidos: 93 Miércoles, 2 de noviembre Sant Pere de Ribes, Barcelona, 2º Intento, 11.00h, Plaza Llobregat 4, Les Roquetes, Entidad: BANCO SANTANDER ¡SUSPENDIDO! Torrejón…